sábado, 10 de abril de 2010


Historical Review

Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Child Jesus, with the purpose and God's help, make a wish referred for long: to be in Colombia, a very Catholic country and many religious and priestly vocations, to extend their apostolate and their Franciscan charism with a single purpose: "the glory and the will of God and the good of souls."
They arrive on Wednesday, June 17, 1964 to Girardota, our small town, the first sisters from Peru will form the community, living in the Casa Campesina, which is now the Casa Pastoral of the Diocese.
In Girardota are received by the Reverend Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary: Ricardo Mejía and Juan Jiménez coadjutor, Girardota son, born in Jamundi, who were waiting with people of the village and school students on the streets of honor to the church . Blessed Sacrament there before was waiting for his humble servants Pastor Father sent them a warm words of welcome and likewise the Father Severus made the presentation of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Child Jesus, born on Christmas night, carrying the spirit Franciscan humility, simplicity, love and peace.
The Sisters as apostolic missionary's project of its founder which is to work for all areas of the church, preferring low-income areas, in the midst of the poor and simple. San Francisco wanted his men were humble, lower, with a commitment to evangelization and human promotion demonstrate the gratuitous and merciful love of God the Father.
On July 7, 1964 begins the College of Our Lady of the Rosary with the kindergarten level with children. In its early days had to face many poverty, economic hardship and housing, but trusting in God's help and people beneficent, worked hard to activities for the project apostolic - educational.
For the year 1965 the number of students (as). Starting the year with 52 children of Garden. For the year 1966, enrolled 205 students with grades from first to third and level garden. In 1967 the school has 258 students and continues to work with preschool and primary education.
Since 2005 already has the complete cycle from kindergarten through 11th grade.


The school Our Lady of the Rosary College develops comprehensive training based on the doctrine of the Catholic Church, the Franciscan spirituality and education project of Barbara Micarelli, seeks to project education as a tool for life, through the values and quality academic community and introduce people who can interact with the environment and promote social dynamism.


Educational Institution Our Lady of the Rosary School will be recognized for the quality of training of their students, whose foundations are framed in Christian doctrine and ethics and moral values, being dynamic agents of society.

School "Nuestra Señora del Rosario"(Private
Name rector (a) director (a): Sister Marina Maldonado Helda
Girardota, Carrera 14 No 8-05
Phone: 2890081

Institutional Emblems

The school is based on serious values, accountability and quality, this is aimed at students and educated with an emphasis on other core values of Peace and Good. The motto of the institution is virtue and wisdom

The flag is brown and beige. We can see in the picture the flag located on the right side


The shield was designed by the sisters of the community, who are mentioned in history


The Hymn of the institution was written by Sister Teresa Ana Yepes in 2007


With Our Lady of the Rosary
And the sweet child of Bethlehem
We salute Francisco
Peace and well, We are family ROSAR
And well peace

Your peace Oh! Divino Niño
Your tenderness Virgin Mary's humility
San Francisco De Barbara always live their faith
Four stock headlights
That illuminate our path
As a compass that points
The north of our lives
To live our motto: "Virtue and Wisdom"

We live the Gospel
And the Franciscan spirit
The doctrine of the Church Seeking to be more human.
Our goals are very clear,
Excellence and quality
Will be our witness,
Will be our identity,
With love and strength
Comprehensive training.

And we are virtues
A rosary in our lives
That joins our coexistence
Science, Faith and Wisdom
It will be our commitment
Be instruments of peace
Give love, light and joy
Understanding and forgiving
Sharing with the poor
Living in brotherhood.

Venerate Our Foundress
We lived their motto to the fullest
Loving Jesus in the neighbor
Loving your neighbor in Jesus
Feeling his peace and joy
And the mystery of the Incarnation
The news announced the Angel
The Saviour is born
Jesus loved children
He brings us his blessing.

The world that God created
We can not destroy it,
We love and care
As did San Francisco,
Love the gift of life
In all nature,
In the world, God became incarnate
His birthplace in the beautiful Virgin
Bridge of Love is beautiful
What unites heaven and earth.